Book a Property Investor clarity session

Some of the membership options
Over the last 10 years years witnessing countless successes (as well as her fair share of spectacular failures!), Tracy has come to one conclusion… being successful in property is about speed of implementation.The biggest difference Tracy sees, between the people who thrive and those who rarely survive, is that leaders in our field perform under pressure and simply get more done than everyone else. In the majority of cases it’s not about the level of skill they have or even their knowledge of property.
Whether you are looking to:
- Gain basic help through free knowledge with our BRONZE level membership
- Increase your knowledge through access to our SILVER members Bi-Weekly Sessions.
- Perfect your performance and knowledge with GOLD mastermind coaching group days for Business and Property, or
- Seriously develop yourself and your business over the next twelve months, as a PLATINUM or DIAMOND member working directly with Tracy.
From as little as £50 per month (inc VAT) You can join our exclusive VIP community. There are membership levels to suit all.
For those of you that know the “What To” but not the “How To”, when it comes to maximising your return from the investment you have already made into your property education:
Pay in advance for the year and get 12 months for the price of 10
For those of you that know the “What To” but not the “How To”, when it comes to maximising your return from the investment you have already made into your property education:
Pay in advance for the year and get 12 months for the price of 10
For the HIGH ACHIEVERS that really want to increase their business & property income streams over the next 12 months.
Here at Witch Property, when you pay to be part of the PLATINUM Club, you really are a private client…
ALL of your one-to-one sessions are with Tracy.
When clients are making this kind of investment, we believe that should mean you get the knowledge, guidance and time from the founder of the organisation, rather than be assigned to a coach that is overseen by a senior partner.
We truly believe this is the most comprehensive Mastermind Programme out there, for females in property today.
To meet this bold statement and ensure that Tracy can serve each and every PLATINUM member to the highest level, access is limited to just 12 members. Membership to our PLATINUM programme is by application ONLY, through a discovery call, where you and Tracy can discover if this is the right investment for you.
Pay in advance for the year and get 12 months for the price of 10
If you already have a portfolio and are ready to take on BIGGER DEALS then our intensive DIAMOND programme with in-person mentorship days may be the catalyst you are looking for.
ALL of your one-to-one sessions, including you in-person mentorship days, are with Tracy.
We truly believe this is the most comprehensive Mentorship Programme out there, for females in property today.
To meet this bold statement and ensure that Tracy can serve each and every DIAMOND member to the highest level, access is limited to just 5 members. Membership to our DIAMOND programme is by application ONLY, through a discovery call, where you and Tracy can discover if this is the right investment for you.
Pay in advance for the year and get 12 months for the price of 1